Friday, July 24, 2009

fighting ! :D

feeling abit high today~
after a few hard knocks, im still as bouncy and full of hope! keke.. i dun understand the chemical reactions that goes on in the gray matter, but i appreciate the resulting effect- resiliency, the will to fight ! fleeting thought last night- i likened myself to one of those humble rubber bouncy balls. remember that cheerful toy (surely everyone must have own one at some point in their lives!) that for some reason amuses no end, providing many happy hours of throwing at various things to see how much it would bounce back. Drop it on the hard kitchen floor and it would bounce back almost to your hand (though dropping it on the carpet would be most unsatisfying). The harder i drop, the harder and fiercer i bounce back ! yes.. very good, i'll continue to hold on to that thought..

anyhooos.........for now,

dear friends~ wish me lotsa luck as i submit application !! :D

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