Thursday, October 20, 2005

Everybody, meet Kon!

Ladies and gentlemen, I hereby introduce a newly added member of this site - Kon. hahaa. ok, in case most of you are still wondering who kon is; its a new blogpet that i've adopted (with the help of bobo *ops* i meant debbie). cos seriously, i know nuts about all those RSS feed thingy and certainly do not understand a word of Jap [from the signup process to the adding of friends and all those in between...its all in Jap!]. kinda sad cos i simply have no idea what the conversation is about. *dismayed look*

debbie i need a crash course in jap! haha. at least enough for me to understand what kon and hachiko's [deb's blogpet] crapping about.

ooh yea..anyway one might ask why i adopt a pet that speaks jap then..haa, cos apparently they don't have the english version for it, and im jus bored la [hey, im in perth ok], also, out of curiosity, im jus interested to see how big my pet can grow and what it'll turn out to be like.

so the more i blog, the bigger it'll grow. i have a feeling its gonna stay the same until my assignments are all over, or maybe not. haa.

well yeah, i'll try to figure it out myself when i have the time. next up, gonna try and add suli.

ooh yeah..i named my blogpet after Kon from Bleach! haa. just finished episode 52 at deb's tomorrow after a hard day of work at the library[betting to complete my proposal], i can unwind with episode 53 [b4 i left deb's place jus now, was still in the process of downloading]. haa. hoooray to anime!

for now though, goodnight. =)

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