Thursday, December 31, 2009

as the headspinning 2009 comes to a close;

So here we are at the end of another year. Another year older, another year wiser, hopefully.

I think I've learnt so much this year. About others, about myself... Well, just about humanity in general. The biggest epiphany I've had this year is still the one about relationships. To know who are the people who really matter, and appreciate them more. To avoid or eliminate others who only give out negative energy. It's tiring to deal with them. And that's something which I don't need at this point in my life.

I've learnt that it's okay to say "No". I've always been a very obliging person. But I've learnt that saying "No" doesn't make you bad, or any less nice. Sometimes you have to say "No" for your own sake, for your own health. How can one expect to help others, or make others happy, when he himself is in need of help? It's not impossible to do so, but being in a state of wholeness enables one to better spread joy to others around. And you need rest to be able to do that. It's also okay to say "No" because the people who should and do matter, will eventually understand. Of course we should never take them for granted. But generally, they do understand. Others that simply can't or won't understand and conversely give you grief for it... well, maybe it's time to do some relationship pruning. I'm just sayin', you know? I've also learnt that relationships are dynamic. They are constantly evolving and moving all the time. And it takes work to maintain a relationship. Until we realise that, none of our relationships are going to be lasting, be it between family, friends or lovers. It all requires effort. Just to stay home have some quality time, have a meal together.. Just a chill session over coffee with old friends. Just time out for the two of you. It all requires effort. It all requires a certain amount of commitment. And we have to specially set aside time for that. Because it's important.

So yes, my New Year Resolution is to have more balance in my life. Now that Uni's starting again, need to consciously remind myself to set aside more time for the people whom I care for. To see them happy. If I can achieve this, then yes, I think it is a type of success too.

Happy 2010 everyone.


Zee said...

well said, I totally feel the same way too~! Think i nv said this before, but I really appreciate the friendship gal! Happie New Year nona!!

Nona Ooi said...

it's all in the heart ! u've been awesome too~ absolutely enjoyed every meetup we had~ and you're defintely one of those that i'll set aside time to catchup and chill with! we're the high 5s ! totally cool :p

Happy New Year Zee!! seeya 3rd Jan !!