Friday, February 20, 2009

Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero.

A recent conversation with an old friend kinda spurned some thoughts.. Hmm, where do i start. Breaking up is hard. Okay..I know thats not the most profound statement in the world and its obvious to anyone, but its difficult to believe just how hard it is until it happens.. Sometimes, I find myself confused as to whether I should be happy that I could experience such close and wonderful moments with someone whom I care deeply for. Or whether I should be sad because I will never experience those moments ever again. I know that (and people often say that) I will find love and be happy with another person who loves me back just as much, or maybe even more. This doesn't help, and that is not my point now either. What I'm trying to say is, everytime a person experiences love, it is different. That is not to say it is better or worse. Just different. There's no basis for comparison~ What moments you share with someone and the things you feel can never be replicated with anyone else. There is always an element of sadness to know that those times you held so dear are now lost forever, only remaining in your memory. Don't get me wrong though, im not referring to anyone in particular now.. its just that I was slightly irked, and disagreed on certain stuffs my friend brought up during that particular conversation. i guess to me, everyone that is/was important to unique. and with regards to my last relationship...its definitely been a rocky past few months. I tell myself that it is time to move on and get on with my life. although life does go on, that does not always help.. him leaving in such a manner (and at such a timing), left me feeling that my trust has been betrayed, and my decision to finally commit has been made a mockery of. because, this time round, it took me so much to take that step of faith. this episode made me question myself alot.. but also solidified my views on some relationship issues. somethings, are just not meant to be compromised. not even on the outset. so there.

i shall end the day with a reminder from a dear friend today...Carpe diem. haha.. with emphasis on making the most of current opportunities because life is short, time is fleeting, and sometimes opportunities only knock on your door once.. 把握现在,创造未来!

post edit: psst...not yet 创造未来already gonna fall sick...i finished more than half a tin of vanhouten chocs with almond nuts while at this post... im gonna fall sick im gonna fall sick.. sheeesh... maybe subconsiously i jus wanna fall sick uh... then i can hav a mighty good rest.

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