Sunday, February 15, 2009

breakout was excellent! the esplanade theatre was full~! very entertaining throughout~ the music, lightings, choreography, comedy element and all... very original and well executed. most parts were rather upbeat, and they really managed to psyche up the audiences, me included :p ~ quite impressed and we had a very good laugh. tonight was their last show, so if ever they're here again... u guys might wanna check it out. :) next up is menopause! collected the tickets today~ hope its just as good~ or maybe even better~ nice day out today, sat outdoors before the show..the weather was a lil to the warm side at first, but it got quite breezy and comfy.. very relaxing.. chilling, listening to the music..b r e a t h i n g (its a luxury, and quite an art, i realise)~ and catching up~ :)

so that aside, actually today my heart felt kinda burdened. now that im back, it isnt as bad as earlier in the day.. probably cos of the nightmare last night, i felt really really disturbed. got shocked out of sleep at abt 5am+ methinks.. :( think lately im just quite stressed...i dunno til wat extent though. there are just times when im not even sure abt the condition of my heart and mind. so its on and off..peaks..dips...and plateaus....but im still rather onthego if you know what i mean, dunno how else to put it heavy heart has weighed down my lips quite abit i guess..tho not my hands, apparently.. im writing alot more to help sort my own thoughts. some of which i blog....and some of which are written in my journal (btw, realise my handwriting's getting from bad to absolutely ghastly. sheesh).

suddenly feel like stopping. tired liao.. tmr going to ask more abt the masters course~ im quite half-hearted at the moment.. dun really feel like sharing here and now. think thats it for today~

so anyway, very briefly and vaguely, what ran thru my mind-
1) freedom is a fallacy- much to elaborate on this. next time round maybe..
2) indeed it is harder to resurrect a friendship than it is to maintain, therefore, do cherish the one(s) beside you now.
3) relationships are dynamic, not static. without change and progress, you'll not learn anything or experience a deeper connection and you're probably only in it for the security of it- true for both friendships and dating relationships. if its the latter, i suggest, stay platonic.
3) do not underestimate the redemptive power of love- that transcends all understandings.

oh, and i can't help it..i've to show u guys before i go..haa...this other gadget itch..check this out~ lovelyyy~!! its ok if u dun share my love, but i'll definitely love u if u wanna get this for me. haha :p

peace out~

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