Monday, May 15, 2006


few issues on my mind now, most of which i can't do much about. and that sucks. so anyway, the best thing i can do is to stop procrastinating and get my lab report done once and for all. least that'll be one load off my mind. set my priority right. for the rest of the problems, i'll just have to wait. learning not to rush, learning to be still, and hear from Him.

so anyway, between studying the Bible..psychology, as well as generally observing life, I have come to the conclusion that modern society has completely lost the concept of what love is.

Love is not a feeling. It is not an emotion. Real love is not transitory as it appears to be in modern society. People today are "in love" one minute, and "fall out of love" the next. To think this is even possible...... i think this shows a perverted understanding of what real love is and should be.

Love is, and will always be reflected in our actions. At its heart, it is a decision. A motivation. to give before taking, serve before being served, caring before knowing whether the other cares.

Christ said "By this shall all men know that you are my disciples, if you have love one for another". How is the world going to see Christ reflected in His followers lives if their love for one another is just an emotion that rises and falls with the tides. Christ also said, "There is no greater love than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." This is probably a bit of an extreme example from what we experience in our day to day lives. But the point cannot be missed. Love is an action. It is sacrificial, and at its core, it's a decision of the heart. It is part of who we are, and any real love is neither transitory, nor dependent of the actions of those we love.
Does God cease to love us when we disappoint Him? Does a mother cease to love a child when they disappoint her? And probably we should ask ourselves, do we want those whose love and care we cherish to cease loving us when we disappoint them?

This is not to say that it is invalid for someone to change their mind about their romantic commitment, or level of affection for another. But we have to stop using a watered down definition of love. The pledge to "love one another till death do us part" has no meaning if our love is just an emotion and not a commitment. The decision to commit to love someone is not a decision to feel loving every minute of every day. It is a commitment to care for, support, protect, and provide for all the other needs of the person that has agreed to do the same for us. Whether they manage to do so or not on any given day is not a release from our commitment. It is simply a chance to provide our love in a more Christ-like manner, without returns, without reward or recognition.

to me, love isn't just about feeling good and all the like..

love lets go, but never leaves...

Lord, may You be the one to stir up my passion and compassion, help me to truly care and love once again. let not circumstances numb me. Teach me how to love. Let my every step be aligned to Yours, so that i can truly say, i live, do and serve all for love.

"In my life
You've heard me say
I love You
How do I show You it's true
hear my heart, it longs for more of You..

I've fallen deeply in love with You..
You have stolen my heart
I'm captivated by You
Never will you and I part
I've fallen deeply in love with You.."

-Deeply in love, Hillsong United.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ah wee, i'm so touched by your words & I agree with what you've said. Miss u & c u when u're back telling us stories bout your trips k.