Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Vietnam: random tidbits

this restaurant is listed in the "1001 places to go before you die" book~ heh.. Cha Ca La Vong serves only one dish - cha ca (which means grilled fish). the fish is cooked and served in a claypot thingy..with the oil still spluttering ard while ur eating.. loL..yeah its like an oily stew...very verryyy yummy nonetheless~! u eat that by scooping the oily stew+fish into a bowl of rice noodles mixed with some other sauces and lotsa vege~ dun think i did the dish much justice with my description..haha. u'll hafta try it for urself. its SHIOK! be sure to make a visit there if yr in Hanoi.. i was abit surprised though when i got there..cos its situated at a rather 不起眼 location with a rather 不起眼 shopfront. ahah..

the hotel where we were 'tokked' till quite jialat~ dun book this hotel! loL
booked a day tour from this hotel's reception...and we didnt get wat was promised~ no breakfast (my poor starved tummy.. forced to eat 7 bananas that day!! ended the day with the yummiest instant noodles + egg at the domestic airport...wahliews...really 'yau dio' on this trip) local tour guide.... :( thankfully things worked out pretty well thereafter~ :D

water puppets programme..and my ticket !
not bad...found it quite interesting

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