Sunday, March 15, 2009

starting off with a cuppa

so i havent had time to write about viet yet. nopes, im not doing it now either. hehe just a few photos of my favourite buy from Viet first. haha...slowly slooowlyyyy.....just like how the viet coffee drips... 一滴滴的精华.. 好的东西是值得等待的 :p

bought 2 small and 1 large stainless steel coffee filters

dripdripdrip... O_O

for some of you who havent try this before (you really should!), the coffee glass is served to you empty, with the metal thingamajig on top tt slowly drips the aromatic coffee into the cup. one needs time to enjoy such coffee.. i mean, it does not take THAT long...approximately 2 minutes. but considering how everything is available almost instant, think most of u can't really be bothered right, add the chore of scooping coffee powder, depressing it gently and stuffs...haha. but its defintely worth the effort!

can you spot the crema!? its the thin layer of coffee oil on the surface of the coffee. super good stuff! the presence of crema signifies freshness and quality of the coffee grind, and a sign of good/proper coffee extraction~ basically crema helps to retain the aroma and flavor of the coffee. okay..keke, hope im not boring u out here with all these details. haha. bo pian, my favourite i find the whole process from harvesting to how the cuppa is placed right infront of me intriguing. keke~ so anyway Viet coffee...its stronger and has a distinct taste actually...and the fact that i see it dripping right infront of me feels appealing~ :D
one of life's subtle pleasures...stimulating yet comforting, and definitely satisfying (when done the right way) :D so anyone interested to have a cuppa.... and watch the world go by with me? :D

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