Friday, December 12, 2008

just a girl: the last chapter.

dun feel as though i can eat anymore today :s early mac breakfast, followed by lunch with my ex-colleagues at botak jones. im a b s o l u t e l y stuffed. the plan was muthu's curry for dinner? boo. strike that off. actually wanted to giv lunch a miss, but i thought meetup with the psychs would be good, and it was. nice short catch up~ dohz, i left my car key lying ard again...and these cheeky gals had to play a prank on poor me. loL.. they're moving to JP next week..which means everyone's really near to each other now! wooH~

all these aside, the other part of the meetup that i wasnt too keen on, didnt go too badly, well, in my view, it was bad, but it was just as expected. wats new? can never fathom. then again, from the way he ran away from proper closure what more can i expect right? fine, if he cld not muster up enuf courage or had that sense of responsibility in him...but still vaguely recalling how rudely and ungentlemanly-ish he retorted on the last few times we conversed, found it utterly distasteful and was super turned off. don't know wat are my thoughts abt all these now. i bothered too much, why should i bother anymore abt someone who cant be bothered? i mean it didnt help when i was gg thru the rough patch at home right after that.. and foolishly hoping he wld render an outstretch arm when im cooped up and stucked in my hard outer shell, i got a few kicks from him instead, that sent me deeper into hell. not sure if its pure bochupness now or mixed with lil remnants of anger in me. what's a girl supposed to do? seriously? tsk. from the way he chose to deal with things, im not even sure how we're to even meet as friends in future. totally uncool. if there was even a slight attempt to close properly, or to talk things through, wldnt even have been the way it is now. 1 freaking sms to put an end to everything? no matter how forgiving or bochup i can be.. there are just some things a girl can never, and will not tolerate. wadever ler, he has moved on, im on my way too. lets put it this way, i dun hate anymore, neither am i happy or unhappy with whats going on (or not) anymore. jus the way things are in this particular chapter of my life. they say, time heals all wounds, i'd say thats a load of crap. time is but a medium for the wound to heal, time makes u forget but the problem is still there. time would not heal anything- if it didnt force u to go thru a certain process. whether one wants to walk thru the process or not, is a matter of choice, up to the individual. anyway, on my part, i've learnt a few pricey lessons through this. thats abt all that im glad of. nthg more, nthg less.

I'm sure we all have some sense, some kind of definition from past experiences, from the people around, from the novels, from the drama serials, from our hopes and dreams, needs, disappointments and ultimate fears. Love is probably different for all of us, we all should have our unique concept and ideas about this feeling, about this relationship, about this entire notion. So, if everyone has their own ideas, how can two ever get together and fit perfectly, is it possible to have two seeing the same, emphasizing the same, sharing one love? No wonder that one person is... The One. How do you know if he is the one? When do you hold on and when do you loosen your hand for both to go ahead and seek the true one? Will we ever know what's the right thing to do? Haha..anyway, im sure we'll find our 伯樂 soon enough :p

so moving on.. im really lagging behind in my guitar practice this 2 weeks.. im not especially looking fwd to the next lesson cos of that~ :s heh.. i like to go to my lesson ready and prepared to learn new stuffs. its getting tougher with slightly complex strumming n changing of chords. kinda difficult to practice after i get home lately. and now v sleepy leh. haa..ok no more excuses. think i'll go practice for awhile now.

一個個過客 過得快不快樂
(別太多過客 祝你早日快樂)
離開時別忘了 看看眼前的人"

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