Tuesday, December 23, 2008

dreadfully sick during the supposedly best week of the year? who'd expect~ haven't fell sick for quite sometime le, seems like my body's signalling that i should slow down slow down...take year end slow. on hindsight, a recurring theme for me in 2008 seems to be 'fast-in-fast-out' in virtually all aspects imaginable.... definitely, not one of my favourites. thats some tough shit.

i've much to say, but i just cant get my thoughts organised now. think im running a fever, my throat's super inflammed, my phelm's seems thick enough to stack a brick wall, theres blood in my spit- no wait, my spit IS blood, my head and back and shoulders hurt, my nose is blocked, and theres this occasional ringing in my ear. gah. i cant even utter a single word. its painful to even swallow my saliva.. i get the idea, i get the idea..i need to visit a doc. its 6am now, great..how long more do i hafta wait. the worst part is, i cant drink coffee while waiting! ~ ahhhhh... sians !

crawling back to bed.

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