Tuesday, June 14, 2005


my mind is totally saturated with heaps of psychological definitions, terms, explanations...endless psychological theories..grand theories, theories that support each other's claims and worst of all, conflicting theories...........blah~ maxed out.

What makes something a science is not WHAT is studied, but HOW it is studied. Did not know that psychology is so scientific... came to know only after i started on it. sigh. what makes it tougher is that, its so difficult to control for validity and reliability of the study, because of pre-existing differences in human. People differ genetically, on personality, character, moulded differently by different environment, social life...upbringing....and how can we forget abt the ever controversial topic of nature vs nurture...... it's much more complex for a scientist/psychologist to study human, than for a scientist to study whales in the ocean. at least the mindset of a whale aint that complex and varied...... (correct me if im wrong).

The modern method of science is most profound in its simplicity; in fact the beauty of this simplicity is the foundation of its profoundness. Yet is this the most optimal method available to mankind in its quest to unravel nature?

theories theories theories....................oh well, back to mugging. did i mention........im going bonkers already~~~ after reading through the never ending acticles, textbooks, lecture notes, supplementary books from library.... wonder how much information had actually been retained. but i guess retained enough of what i've learnt to write all these crap....

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