Saturday, June 20, 2009

One thing I concluded after a converfsation with The that who we are is dependent on the kind of friends we hang out with.

If we hang out with vulgar friends, we end up or risk being vulgar.
If we hang out with friends with strong moral values, we end up being more like them.
If we hang out with materialistic friends, we end up envious and materialistic... so on and so forth

It's not about a "I'm better than you" mentality but it's more of a cautious approach.

Be careful who and how much time we spend time with because friends are the people that can either make or break you.

* finally at episode2 of Korean F4..heh...i have been veryyyy distracted.

1 comment:

starie said...

I like this post! I believe friends do have an impact on us =)