Tuesday, May 26, 2009

awareness- its a good thing.

Current read
Asian Geographic: Taboo Edition

Strongly recommended by Aizai...especially the article on "Jaws of Death" !! Few years back, I saw a documentary on indiscriminate killing of sharks for their fins, and have never touched a bowl of sharksfin since then.. and i resolved never to have that dish in my wedding banquet. only one other friend of mine shares exact sentiments as me on this issue... pretty sad. think abt the brutal process and harm done to the eco-system before ordering that coveted bowl of delicacy.. sharks cruelly tossed back into the ocean after having their fins cut off, sea turtles..dolphins and tons of other marine life killed as a result of line fishing~ :(

sheeesh...just go read abt it. after all the harm that human has done to his environment, we should at least do our part to clear up the mess we've created... protect and conserve !

btw, today's the first time i ate the soft twirl soy ice-cream from Mr Bean. i love it !! yummy so veryy~~ see...so much good food around.. to give up eating sharksfin aint that difficult right~ come on friends ! convict yourself now!!

*psst, its a good thing to be aware.. but dont just be aware and do nothing. being unaware, and being aware yet not bothering to do anything...i wonder which reaps worser karma. haha

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