Friday, June 29, 2007

realised i had more photos from costa rica in another memory card. heh.. that was before my camera went kapuut. first day in costa rica, Heredia. see the look on my face, quite excited with my plate of rice, beans and greens. now, we all know that look wldnt last long.... we ate at this place called Mr Burgers. they had a wide array of food. from burgers, fish and chips, to their own traditional rice and dishes. had a really hard time asking what each dish was...... in the end i jus chose beans n veges. was really yummu. loL. some of my friends actually went for maccas in costa rica. crazy. so anyway, they had very interesting fruit juices. tried to ask wat those were, but i jus cldnt understand a word they said. haha..but most of the costa ricans are very friendly and hospitable. the end, they asked me to just go ahead and try every drink for free. haaha. they were probably half exasperated, half amused.

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