Saturday, August 29, 2009

"What I talk about when I talk about running"

I'm done with the book. It's an interesting read with a few nice touches that I enjoyed. I like it as well that I was able to identify with some of his thoughts and feelings.. brought me back to the days where I ran almost everyday in Perth, sometimes even twice a day..for at least an hour each. I like some of the metaphors he used.. and the way he describes his inner state as a distance runner.. There were other themes and stuffs that I found questionable though. But of course, it's the author's memoir.. there's no need for me to agree on everything I read. Also, granted that English isn't his native language.. we might like to cut him some slack in terms of overall prose style.

I'm a happy and satisfied reader. Non-fictions captures me somehow~ Anyway, I'm not too sure how non-runners would rate this book. So, if you're interested, and IF you can handle books with care, I'll be happy to lend it to you. :p Then we can share our thoughts over a good cuppa :D

"I look up at the sky wondering if I'll catch a glimpse of kindness there, but I don't. All I see are indifferent summer clouds drifting over the Pacific. And they have nothing to say to me. Clouds are always taciturn. I probably shouldn't be looking up at them. What I should be looking at is inside of me." Haruki Murakami


Anonymous said... me! I can take care of books.

I read Odditudes. Its q an easy read and at first glance it's cliche but i really enjoyed it. Maybe becoz most of it were real life stories and the writer was very down to earth. (unfortunately, i cant trade with u since its a library book. Trying to borrow Tipping Point as well)

Nona Ooi said...

Odditutde~? sounds interesting. thanks for the recommendation! :)
i have Tipping point if you want :p

and who's this btw?