Saturday, November 10, 2007

second day.

weather's awesome back home. really cooling, and not as humid as i imagined it to be. spent time at home with mum, read books + manga (havent done this in a looooong time~! li-chan, im reading qi ling wang now! haha. makes me wanna learn how to play! cheeem game..i cant even play chess well. heheh) and watching TV at home. nice and relaxing.

was at bugis today for awhile, nice meeting up with a few friends. but oh man....i really hate walking around malls in SG now. so crowded...i feel out of breath! not that me and my friends went window shopping or anything, but like manoeuvering my way to find my friends, then later to coffeebean was bad enough. ugh.... this big part of me wished i was home reading my book on my big comfy sofa in the living room. like seriously.

its kinda....strange. i enjoy catching up with my friends, but at the same time, i found it such a huge waste of time to be in the mall. what popped in my mind then was...i could be somewhere doing volunteer work, helping someone in need. giving my care and attention to the less privileged..and so on. then i started to think about where i could do that, and what else i could be doing. i just can't stand doing things that are non-productive now. somehow if im not learning, thinking, reading or sowing into lives...i feel as though im wasting my time. watching tv + reading manga + spending time with family = rest. haha =p

scene in SG now is pretty much the same 4 or 5yrs back (before i went to Perth). but now that im back, the feeling's somehow different. really really different. im looking at the same things but with very different perspective. more on this next time.

anyway, after im back from Korea, i'll definitely find somethings to do. meanwhile...its just really nice to be home. (:

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