Monday, October 29, 2007


12 115 words (not including abstract + appendix) ..overshot word limit -_-"
80 references
78 children tested
9 months of work
many nights of lost sleep
many many many cups of coffeee
.....and the stats can go on....but i cant think now.
its finally done. so how am i feeling now? i have no idea. maybe i'll answer that...after a goodnight's rest. haha.. i'll need to photocopy 3 sets, bind them...and submit, get a receipt before i can set my mind at ease. still feeling abit unsettled....feels like i havent done something. maybe im just paranoid. haha..
anyways...heres the simple acknowledgment attached in my thesis.. thought i'll just paste them here.. yarps...this marks the end of my undergrad life (possibly the end of my formal education..haa.....abit sick of research now actualllyyyy...ops). so yeah....alright, i'll be back after i get my sleep.....


I would like to express my most sincere gratitude to my supervisor Dr Helen Davis for her patient guidance, encouragements and advice throughout this study. Her dedication towards supervision and insightful comments has been my constant inspiration.

I would also like to thank the staff and students of Marys Mount Primary School, Newlife Primary School, Xavier Catholic School and St Hilda’s Anglican Girls’ School for their participation in this study.

I would like to take this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude to my beloved parents for supporting me in my educational pursuits, for their constant care and unconditional love; without them, the best things in my life would never have been.

Thanks also to all my dear friends for their encouragements and my spiritual family for their prayers. I would like to give special mention to Suli Chai, a dear friend whom I’m really thankful to have known during my undergraduate life in Murdoch University, her optimism, humor and friendship has made this journey more enjoyable.

Finally, I would like to give thanks and all glory to my God, whose love and grace allowed me to persevere, whose blessings have made all things possible.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

overworked brain

ahhhhhh! my head is exploding!!!!!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Thesis word count- 11, 519 words!

and i wish, quantity = quality. sadly this is not so! much left to near yet so far.

random news: all in a day, i've got news of a good friend getting married + another close friend got attached today. too fast too furious~~!!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

the spoilt brat has learnt her lesson.

i use to do things only when i feel like it. totally no sense of urgency+responsibility.
now, i need to force myself to not feel anything so that i can complete my work.

both extremes suck.

Dear Mr. God...may we negotiate a middle ground for this. i promise i'll not be the spoilt brat that i was anymore.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

too fast.

sometimes i wish time would come to a standstill. even if its just a minute. everything and everyone, hold on for a moment.

Friday, October 12, 2007


i just feel like listening to this song now...haha. but the animation is abit duhbleah-ish though. heh...enjoy =p

i wanna go to the beachhhh!

time is running out! THESIS!

li-chan....i decided on this blog title specially for u. hahaaha....friend enough? loL

funny how im not as stressed (doesn't mean im not..loL) about my thesis as i was with my assignments.... is this a serious case of bochupness? or have i learnt to better manage stress...? maybe its an interplay of both factors...haha., i think it might only be the latter + the assurance of God. not that writing a thesis is easy...but its muchmuch easier without having to fear. I love my Daddy. weee~

hmm, i've lost some weight after putting in more time and effort on my thesis...which is really weird (first time i lost weight without trying! plus..i havent exercised in months....bleah, so unhealthy). i havent got much appetite lately, and i think my system's gone bonkers. like i met li-chan for dinner at abt 4pm today (now i realise its my first and only meal for the day)...i din feel hungry at all but i just ate anyway, cos i know that i need to. then after i finished my subway wrap, i didn't feel full either. no hunger and no feelings of satiation. how tragic! im not complaining abt the losing weight part though. haha. that needs to STAY GONE!

so anyway...i think thats kinda good also in the sense that its really difficult to do any work when you're full..cos all the blood goes to your tums to digest the food, so then less blood goes to the brain...and i need lots of brain power for writing. so sorry tumtums i'll compensate u with more yummy food after 29th oct. weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~

oh and im talking alot (more) to myself these days~ yikes...wat a thesis does to u....hehe...hmm. okays. back to work. byeee for now.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

i churned out approximately 640 words (only!) for the results section..........after 9hour 30min of work (from 8.30pm - 6am).

majorly grossed out.

im gonna sleep now.


i can't sleeeeep!!!
okay..then i shall have breakfast............... ooH guess wat~ the birds finally stopped chirping. yays!! i really hate it when day breaks..and the birds start "chirp chirp chirp chirping..." ....just cos i dun feel as chirpy as them, i really feel like shooting them down!!

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

im done with methods! 2400 words. haha...i guess i shldnt be proud..cos that should have been done like ages ago. but owells..loL...look on the bright side, another step nearer to thesis completion. freedom! i can smell it!!! wooohoo! plans to go korea/nz during november with my buddy from sec sch~~ whoopeee!!

now lets see...i've had this irritating sore eyes for quite a few days now, when's it ever gonna heal. but thank God its not like full-blown...i had this last last year (around this time also methinks..cos i remember i had it straight after Perth royal show) was terrible...and i cldnt open my eyes at all, and then tears kept oozing out and the doctor gave me 2 weeks of MC so that i cld get extension for my assignment. so anyways...thank God im still able to stay up all night to do work now~ whoopeee...cos i dun really wanna get an extension for my thesis... loL...

on one hand, im kinda stressed cos really lagging behind schedule, but on the other..i seem to be enjoying just doing work the whole day...loL...which is a tad bit strange. strange mix of emotions. loL...anyways...3 weeks to submission!! jya ganbatte!

Friday, October 05, 2007

Monday, October 01, 2007

random notes.

i guess i am in some sense okay, and in some sense not okay at all. but the message has been really clear these few days..

to believe and to wait in submission even if it takes a really long time, to walk in step even when we don't understand.

waiting upon God not only builds our character.. i guess more importantly waiting always cause us to have a communion with God.

Despite being a man of great faith, Abram had his doubts...despite both him and sarai creating a few mess here and there... God still demonstrated His ability to clear all that up..God still delivered His promises to Abraham.. I guess the idea was Abram continued to follow God's commands even when he doubted [if u were wondering..i was reading Gen 15].

thank you God..that You're a Man of Your Word! thank You that You are unchanging, thank You for Your love, and Your commitment in fulfilling Your promises... no matter how long it takes, help me believe and continue to obey.

...u know...if theres one thing i hate most in the world...its ppl not delivering their promises, even if its not promises, like simply just flaking things off... like 'oh yeah...i'll do it...i'll this and that......' and then they don't.......this is a sure way to irritate the hell out of ughhh! i get really disappointed and pissed. anyways, i'll just stop here for now..

btw, what i write meant at times as a reminder for myself, an outlet...or watever. not meant in anyway to teach, to preach...or get my point across to anyone..unless its a specific shoutout. much as im appreciative ppl care enough to read whats on this blog...who i really am is not confined to what i write in here. if that made any sense... but anyways, if ur happy stay and read. if not, you're more than welcomed not to..

..sometimes i wonder what's life. how it is...when u totally don't know what to do, you can't reach out to someone you love so much... don't know how to convey that..."im really here for u.." message across.... how painful that whatever it is, eventually it'll still be a lonely journey that we each have to take. i guess thats life. and theres a reason for all these, for everything that is happening..

but to uplift things a little, life as i would choose to believe is more than that.. it can be about skipping heartbeats.. being passionate over what you do, over-enthusiasm in *stuff*, about relating the whole experience to a better friend, to someone who will laugh together with you at the nonsensical moments in everyday... trusting and just playing the game simple, laughing..err..being someone's laughing stock =p ... I won't take offence...haha, too old to take offences.. too old to let ppl crush my insecurities and remind me of my imperfections.. so much has happened, so many new feelings and insights, so many things in and out of tis puny head of mine.

so much random stuff i've many more random thoughts swimming around in my head.... but i've got no time to do some major 'housekeeping'. i guess im a person who really needs a lot of time to wonder some of u call me crazyyyy... haha. im coming back SG sooon (short or long stay dunno yet)! anywayyyy enjoy ur peace while u can. heheh. =p good is it if all these add on to my thesis word count.. aha...i'll be a tad bit happier =p