80 references
78 children tested
9 months of work
many nights of lost sleep
many many many cups of coffeee
.....and the stats can go on....but i cant think now.
its finally done. so how am i feeling now? i have no idea. maybe i'll answer that...after a goodnight's rest. haha.. i'll need to photocopy 3 sets, bind them...and submit, get a receipt before i can set my mind at ease. still feeling abit unsettled....feels like i havent done something. maybe im just paranoid. haha..
anyways...heres the simple acknowledgment attached in my thesis.. thought i'll just paste them here.. yarps...this marks the end of my undergrad life (possibly the end of my formal education..haa.....abit sick of research now actualllyyyy...ops). so yeah....alright, i'll be back after i get my sleep.....
I would like to express my most sincere gratitude to my supervisor Dr Helen Davis for her patient guidance, encouragements and advice throughout this study. Her dedication towards supervision and insightful comments has been my constant inspiration.
I would also like to thank the staff and students of Marys Mount Primary School, Newlife Primary School, Xavier Catholic School and St Hilda’s Anglican Girls’ School for their participation in this study.
I would like to take this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude to my beloved parents for supporting me in my educational pursuits, for their constant care and unconditional love; without them, the best things in my life would never have been.
Thanks also to all my dear friends for their encouragements and my spiritual family for their prayers. I would like to give special mention to Suli Chai, a dear friend whom I’m really thankful to have known during my undergraduate life in Murdoch University, her optimism, humor and friendship has made this journey more enjoyable.
Finally, I would like to give thanks and all glory to my God, whose love and grace allowed me to persevere, whose blessings have made all things possible.