Hi all,
so i've been back for 2 days; was extremely busy being a Maria. basically, unpacked, changed bedsheets, wash bedsheets, vacumm room + passage way, clean the whole room - every nook n cranny of it (aust gets dusty veryyyyy easily), wash toilet, wash all my utensils AND disinfected every single of them with boiling water...open up the aircon vent n cleaned it, and the list goes on and on and on...topped everything up by spraying spider control n insect spray all around. anyway..im starting to think im a freak. i might be a tad bit messy at times..but totally obsessive with cleanliness.
well, today i realised my car died on me. yeah. it DIED! sigh, spent a bomb on that. my friend who was supposed to look after the car for me said it was alive and kicking 2 weeks ago though. hmm. anyway, my first desperate attempt to revive the car was to call ah goh, headed down to a petrol kiosk and bought the jumpstart wiring thingy.. then after he helped me jumpstart..but failed attempt. btw, the wires cost me $25. ok then..made a few calls..in the end sent for RAC roadside assistance. that came..help me jumped start the car...hooray....it started, cost me $168. so i left the car running for 45min before i off the engine. yeah guess wat...cant start again. then i called RAC again..and this time they suggest i change the battery, which i purchased from them. so the guy popped down, and installed the new batt..cost me another $110. *vomits blood*
ok, thats not the end. i realised had a speeding ticket when i got back. and i was above the speed limit by only 10km/hr. got slapped with $112 fine ($12 cos i paid the fine late, becos i was in SG obviously). too tired to appeal by then..so i jus paid for it anyway. if i wanna appeal..i've to either fax (i've got no fax machine!) all the documents or travel all the way down to eastperth. nah ahhh, forget it. im sure those people are gonna give me more problems. not gonna take chances.
so anyway briefly summed up this 2 days for me..the 'major' events that took place. haa.
tmr there's gonna be student helpers meeting. and thats abt it.
hmm, its starting to warm up here.. and thats a good sign that its really summer. haa. i love it. i just can't stand cold weathers. =( summer means beach outings!! winter = less jogs, more meals => roundish jing.
oooh yeah another thing before i end off, im thinking of getting an Independent Studies Contract. which is a one to one thingy with the lecturer. so im free to come up with any topic i want, then come to a consensus with the lecturer on how the course goes and how much course credit it'll carry. so if i got that, i wont need to take up any nonsense electives. instead with this ISC, i can fulfil my student visa requirements and at the same time do something that'll look good on my transcript. but the thing is, have to find a lecturer who is willing to do that..cos it only takes up their time and they're not paid for it. and it so happened i saw my favourite lecturer while i was doing groceries. he said he wld love to help, but tooooooo bad, he's retired! ugh! anyway he said wld help recommend some other lecturers to me. depends on how free they are though....so brothers and sisters, pls help me keep this in prayers. oh and also gotta pray i frame my mind back into mode academia and mode australia. haha. don't wanna still have that holiday mood and half my mind still in SG, not very the goooood ah. haha. thanks heaps. =)