Saturday, October 01, 2005

Feeling much better after popping 2 least I can face the screen with both eyes open now. My left eye felt as though all the nerves ruptured or something just now, tears kept oozing out...arr..bloody. I felt like a vampire for a moment, totally dreaded light. I hope this doesnt happen again tomorrow when I wake. terrible.

Anyway I slept the whole day, and I think I'm going to sleep again soon...just felt bored, so I thought I'll crap a few words here. hmm, wanna thank ah goh and stef for dropping by and buying me fish porridge. thought i wanna blog about perth royal show too, but not quite in the mood now.

arGh....I've got SO MUCH to do during this 1 week break (3 assignments, 2 of them worth 30% each and another worth 60%...shucks), and its not helping that I started this hols by being sick. Things certainly don't look pretty at this point in time. Im scared. shitless. and there's nothing out there to hold on to. I guess thats what my faith is for.

1 comment:

Nona Ooi said...

hey..look who dropped by. pleasant surprise. thanks dude. =)